Convention & Tradeshow Support and Coordination
• Source1 Purchasing assists annually with selling booths for the annual WFA Convention and Tradeshow to manufacturers, as well as coordinating booth displays and items used in demonstrations and door prizes.
• Source1 Purchasing and Sysco complete an annual business review with the NICA board at the annual IAFE convention. This allows NICA partners to review business trends and results and also strategically plan for the future.
Program Management and Coordination
Source1 Purchasing manages the daily facilitation and support of the NICA/Sysco Marketplace program, including enrollment facilitation, connections to Sysco OpCo’s and Sysco representatives, monthly and quarterly reporting to help drive business decisions, issue resolution and rebate billing, and collection and distribution. These practices are all facilitated by:
Emma Ryder | Director of Program Development | 561-273-7955 | |
Andrew Castaneda | National Business Development | 561-693-3352 | |
Gabriela Diaz | National Accounts Project Administrator | 561-273-7948 | |
Click on the button above to get a comprehensive directory with a wide range of products and services available through the program and in your region. The link provides you with your NICA Sysco Marketplace Product Guide and commodity report. This guide is structured to provide the items available through your Prime Distributor for concessionaire service operations.
Must Know When Working With Source1 Purchasing and Sysco
Ordering Specialty Items
For ordering specialty items from Sysco, a minimum of two months advanced notice is required, including quantities needed, to ensure item availability during the event.
Determining the correct Sysco Point of Contact
Andrew Castaneda at Source1 Purchasing can usually provide NICA program members with the points of contact for each participating Sysco OpCo. If you are attending a new event or working with a new OpCo, please make sure Andrew is aware, so coordination with the Sysco OpCo can begin.
Payment Terms
Payment terms can differ from OpCo to OpCo. Please verify the payment terms from each OpCo.
Sysco Invoicing
Invoicing also differs OpCo by OpCo. Be sure to clarify with your Sysco representative how invoices and invoice payment processing is handled for each account, including the policies of accepting cash.
Product Returns
Fresh, opened, specialty and proprietary items are not returnable to Sysco for credit. For all other items, please consult your Sysco representative.
Route Schedule
It’s imperative that NICA members share events and route schedules with Source1 Purchasing annually and as early in the year as possible. This allows Source1 Purchasing to communicate with the Sysco OpCo network the upcoming events and customers expected for a particular event. It is important to share the stand(s) and concept(s) expected for each event as well as any changes to the route schedule. This includes added or cancelled events or new events or OpCo’s the member has not visited before. This information will be shared with Sysco corporate and the Sysco OpCo that will service the event.
Sysco Purchasing Department
Sysco purchasing is tasked with sourcing and bringing into stock the required products for their customers. Concessionaires should communicate product needs as early as possible through your Sysco contact prior to an event. This ensures all specialty items will be ordered and received prior to the concessionaire’s first order being placed for the event. This practice includes realistically forecasting items and item volumes needed, as well as negotiating product commitments to ensure items are readily available for the duration of the event.
Specialty Items
Sysco considers items as “Specialty” if not readily stocked or quantities needed exceed normal Sysco stocking levels. In the case of specialty items, a minimum of two months advanced notice is required and concessionaires are financially responsible for all quantities purchased.
NICA members should consult their Sysco contact to arrange appropriate delivery for an upcoming event. Sysco often coordinates and consolidates deliveries by location and not in the order in which the orders were received.
• The Sysco transportation director should visit the event site before the event starts to ensure routes, access gates and delivery times. This information should be communicated to the transportation staff to ensure greater efficiency and coordination upon delivery.
• Confirm delivery receiving locations and where items can be staged for NICA stands.
• Discuss the option of Sunday deliveries, if available by the local Sysco OpCo.
• Consult with Sysco regarding their policies and procedures for on-site trailers for extra storage. This is not a standard offering from Sysco and often involves additional cost, paperwork and requirements.
• Confirm order cut-off times and expected delivery times for orders to ensure timely delivery.
• Discuss how shortages or “hot shot” deliveries will be handled at the event grounds.
• Consult with Sysco on the possibility of item transfers to other OpCo’s if quantities remain after event conclusion.